Judge: Chris Vincent
Class: PGD, MLB, LB
Nzawi Kaiser Chief won 1st place out of 3.
Nzawi Just Flow With It unfortunately wasn't the judges type.
Kitoko just go with it at Nzawi won 2nd place out of 2.
1.Plesteds Nzawi Kaiser Chief JW, 2.5 year old heavier boy, strong
head, dark muzzle and dark round eye. Well proportioned front and
rear. Good length of loin, deep chest and great feet. Moved out
2.Wilding & Deacons Kiromol Kamanga, 3 year old boy who has
‘greyed’ very early. Nonetheless very soft kind face and deep
soulful eyes. Great front. Good length of loin and well
proportioned angles front and rear. Seemed very at one with his
handler and moved well around the ring.
3. Neketona Red Maple
Class: PGD, MLB, LB
Nzawi Kaiser Chief won 1st place out of 3.
Nzawi Just Flow With It unfortunately wasn't the judges type.
Kitoko just go with it at Nzawi won 2nd place out of 2.
1.Plesteds Nzawi Kaiser Chief JW, 2.5 year old heavier boy, strong
head, dark muzzle and dark round eye. Well proportioned front and
rear. Good length of loin, deep chest and great feet. Moved out
2.Wilding & Deacons Kiromol Kamanga, 3 year old boy who has
‘greyed’ very early. Nonetheless very soft kind face and deep
soulful eyes. Great front. Good length of loin and well
proportioned angles front and rear. Seemed very at one with his
handler and moved well around the ring.
3. Neketona Red Maple